Fullstack Web Developer

Intro Image

I enjoy coding and creating new projects

Hi, I'm Carlos. Nice to meet you.

I have really passion for web development, giving priority to coding with best practices, good user interaction and fast load times. Always responsive sites and paying attention to make as non static web as possible, I love making pages come to life.

My Best Projects

Carlog - Carlos Project Application

This Angular Login Web Application includes Lazy Loading, Guards, Responsive Design, Interfaces, Generic Types, and Authentication and Security Systems. The app needs to connect to an API called Reqres, in order to obtain users data. For more information, visit the project repository.

HTML Image SASS Image Bootstrap Image TypeScript Image Angular Image

Landing Page

Website to promote and attract clients for the business and appointment management application. It is an application that seeks to transmit dynamism, avant-garde and attractive effects.

Astro Image SASS Image Tailwind Image

Appointment Booking for a Hair Salon

This professional app allows to register as a administrator or as a client, in order to manage the system or directly booking hair services. It is strongly protected thanks to NodeJS backend controllers that help manage the security of the system against external attacks or SQL injections.

Node Image Express Image Sequelize Image Angular Image Boostrap Image MySQL Image

My Experience

Trainee Software Developer

GNSS Academy

January 2022 - May 2022

Junior Software Engineer

Indra Sistemas S.A.

October 2022 - January 2023

Back End Developer

Quavitam Consulting

June 2023 - Present

The Path of Knowledge

Since my last years at University as Electronic and Automation Engineering student, I have been interested in programming technologies and software development.

My first step was learning Java and POO, in order to carry out the Final Degree Project. In addition, I also learned Git to have different project versions, but keeping an estable one.

Thanks to my first job, I also could to learn Spring Framework for Java development and a lot of Data Bases knowledge.

Later, I began with frontends developments, and with this skills in my hands, I could start to learn frontend frameworks as Angular and Bootstrap, and preprocessors as SASS.

At the same time, I wanted to learn backend technologies, so I begin to learn PHP and Python. However, I was fascinated by NodeJS, so my professional profile is focus on JavaScript tools, both backend and frontend. Currently I am learning and making projets with NestJS and React.

All that I know is that this is only the beginning!

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If you want to contact with me, you can do it by social media or filling the following form. In any case...

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